About Us
Welcome to UKCrimeStats, an open data platform of the Economic Policy Centre www.economicpolicycentre.com - (company number 06985308), a think tank dedicated to closing the gap between policy and knowledge in new and innovative ways. We welcome your feedback but our resources are limited. So before getting in touch with us, please kindly check through our FAQs and Problems with Crime Data pages first.Contact Us
You contact us by email on crime@economicpolicycentre.com , Our address is; Economic Policy Centre Ltd., C/O Elan & Co. Llp Unit 3 Cedar Court, 1 Royal Oak Yard, London, SE1 3GA You can phone UKCrimeStats.com, by calling Dan Lewis, Director of UKCrimeStats direct on +44 7900 245 306.
Dan Lewis
UKCrimeStats Data/Website Queries/Special Requests: To get in touch, please email us on crime@economicpolicycentre.com.
UKCrimeStats Advertising: For advertising queries, please contact us on crime@economicpolicycentre.com.
UKCrimeStats Outreach and Media: From time to time, Dan Lewis, Chief Executive of the EPC and lead blogger on UKCrimeStats contributes to the media to comment about crime statistics and related issues. He also gives talks about UKCrimeStats to conferences, schools (e.g. A-level Sociology Students) and villages societies, the latter two at a much reduced rate. If you would like him to do this for you, please get in touch with Dan directly on dan@economicpolicycentre.com.