SA1, Swansea

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Get full Postcode District Crime Report for SA1 for just
£3.99 - learn more

Bonymaen, Copper Quarter, Crymlyn Burrows, Danygraig, Greenhill, Hafod, Jersey Marine, Landore, Maritime Quarter, Mayhill, Mount Pleasant, Pentrechwyth, Port Tennant, St. Thomas, City Centre, Townhill, Waun Wen, Winch Wen, Winch Wen Industrial Estate

Residential Population: 47,397

Population Density: 18.68 Persons per Hectare

Land Area: 2537.60 Hectares

Daytime Population: 68,163

Population Density: 26.86 Persons per Hectare

To see the latest 6 months, adjust the time periods of the charts all the way back to Dec 2010, join UKCrimeStats and run reports, see heatmap, rank, compare and see in detail by total crime or crime type over any selected time period.

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Crime in SA1, Swansea

To see the latest 6 months, adjust the time periods of the charts all the way back to Dec 2010, join UKCrimeStats and run reports, see heatmap, rank, compare and see in detail by total crime or crime type over any selected time period.

ASBBurglaryRobberyVehicleViolentShopliftingCD&AOther TheftDrugsBike TheftTheft From the PersonWeaponsPublic OrderOtherTotal
Mar 2024107254272821838656331591110912959
Feb 2024130252622941355256399698715921
Jan 20241112564226013867563310977610850
Dec 20231511923128111054503519117664840
Nov 2023115234362918979542816767511834
Oct 2023134274462851466652229971158930
Sep 2023161265282681205570181412610413900
Aug 20231962963226013371543022125903943
Jul 20231411813023611161552224137777803
Jun 2023185145142568060472022106848811
May 202316822835268925547262813108112865
Apr 20231422062425878694335158109512815

The Economic Policy Centre has made every effort in order to ensure that the data for UkCrimeStats is accurate and up to date. However, we are aware of certain deficiencies in this data which are beyond our control. That's because as a 3rd party developer, we do not collect the data, the Police do who then hand it over to another data company to release to 3rd party developers such as ourselves. We only download and analyse it so that you can use it. For full detail of these deficiencies, please read here.

Crime Plus ASB Breakdown for SA1


Crime Type and ASB Charts for SA1








In September 2011, Other Crime was divided into 6 categories - Drugs, Public Disorder & Weapons (which was later split further and so is not displayed here), Criminal Damage & Arson (CD&A), Theft - Shoplifting, Theft-Other and Other.






From May 2013, the following changes were made to the crime categories:
I) The violent crime category was renamed "violence and sexual offences"
2) A new category for "bicycle theft" was created which previously fell within "other theft"
3) A new category for "theft from the person" was created which previously fell within "other theft"
4) Public disorder and weapons were then split into two new categories; "public order" and "possession of weapons"
5) Both "other firearms offences" and "other knives offences" which were in "other crime" were moved into "possession of weapons".



