Crime by Postcodes
Get an individual Postcodes Crime Report now! Just go to our Postcode Report page, scroll to the bottom and type in your postcodes and buy it right away for £3.99. Alternatively, subscribe to UKCrimeStats and run reports to answer which of the 2,500 postcode districts has the most/least crime total and or most least crime rate by daytime or residential population over a selected time period? We have this information for England, Wales and Northern Ireland but not Scotland. If you want to see all of the data by exporting it to excel and much more, every month since Dec 2010 (2011 for NI), then sign up and join from £7.49 a month.Postcodes with the highest crime in England, Wales & Northern Ireland (July 2024)
Postcode Radius Files - the Professionals Big Data Choice
Get full 1.6 million postcodes crime datasets covering 1, 0.5 and 0.25 mile radius with crime totals, crime rates and percentile ranking over the latest 12 months or for one of the past three years. See here for more details and immediate download
The Economic Policy Centre has made every effort in order to ensure that the data for UkCrimeStats is accurate and up to date. However, we are aware of certain deficiencies in this data which are beyond our control. That's because as a 3rd party developer, we do not collect the data, the Police do who then hand it over to another data company to release to 3rd party developers such as ourselves. We only download and analyse it so that you can use it. For full detail of these deficiencies, please read here.